Things to Remember in December 2022
As I remember things, they will be added to the Remembering section of XXX. these are things I want to remember in December 2022.My firstborn and only son, Adam, was born on this day, and I cut his umbilical cord.
Journal Entries for December 2022
The Journal is not a diary; it is more of a traditional blog section. Don't expect many updates; these are the entries written in December 2022.Notes for December 2022
Notes are snippets of information. Therefore they are often very short. These may become thoughts in the future or a journal entry; who knows? These are my notes for December 2022.For the last couple of days, I have been working on the look and feel of this site. Bearing in mind, it is predominately a text-based thing. With that, there isn’t a great deal to do styling-wise. However, I should create a web design task to keep track of the changes.
Thoughts for December 2022
Thinking is something I do a lot. Writing those thoughts down is something I don’t do a lot. Below are some of those I have written down during December 2022.Events for December 2022
Very few events will show up here. Important dates will form part of the Remembering section. And as I spend most of my week looking after my adorable grandchildren, I don't get out much!Tasks for December 2022
Migrated Tasks:
(Unfinished tasks from previous months.)
There are no migrated tasks rescheduled for December 2022.
New Tasks:
(Tasks added during December 2022.)
There are no new tasks this month.
Completed Tasks:
(Tasks completed during December 2022.)
No tasks have been completed this month
Rescheduled Tasks:
(Tasks rescheduled to another month.)
No tasks have been rescheduled.
Diary Entries for December 2022
Today is Adam’s birthday. We are not seeing him as we had a party a few days ago with his aunts, uncles and niece on his mother’s side. It was also a chance to see his new house.
I woke up feeling very chesty this morning, more so than yesterday. I tested for Covid-19, which was negative, so it is probably a communal garden chest infection. Hopefully, I will feel better tomorrow—Christmas Day.
Evie and Maisie are coming today. I Can’t wait! I know it has only been a few days since I saw them, and I see them often. But having them come for the day makes me so happy.
Lily found one of her presents at four this morning. Waking me up as she moved others out of the way. And started to open it. It was the only present she attacked.
Arrived at Adam & Jenny’s for Christmas Dinner after Adam picked us up earlier. Jenny’s sister Rachel is here. Her parents, Tom & Katie are on the way. As are Beth, Nathan and the girls (Evie & Maisie).
Had a lovely afternoon/evening with my brother Geoff and his wife, Kay. Bethany, Nathan and the girls were here, also. My lady wife (Ruth) and I cooked a roast. Chicken, Gammon, roast potatoes, swede, a red cabbage creation of Ruth’s, carrots, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower with broccoli in a cheese sauce. Christmas pudding for afters.
Twenty-twenty-two is an hour away from becoming history. For me, it has been a weird sort of year, and I have started a journal entry to add my 2022 highlights. This will become live at or just after midnight. Hopefully, this time next year, I’ll have more to add to a little post like this